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Exploring Intent

Word games create shadows that allow false altruists to mask their intentions.

To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions.

Ideology – that is what gives evil doing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.

-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago (Volume 1)


  1. What is the worldview and politics of Catholic Charities?
  2. What is the worldview and what are the personal politics of Barry Bacon and Ken Bensimon?
  3. Do Barry Bacon and/or Ken Bensimon personally consider “the homeless” to include illegals?
  4. From what they do and say, do you think Barry Bacon and/or Ken Bensimon have a narrow or wide interpretation of “migrant”?
  5. Do Catholic Charities consider “the homeless” to include illegals?
  6. From what they do and say, do you think Catholic Charities has a narrow or wide interpretation of “migrant”?
  7. What other properties does TCCHF own?
  8. What properties does Ken Bensimon own that have been earmarked for TCCHF projects?
  9. What properties does Barry Bacon own that have been earmarked for TCCHF projects?
  10. How would you know what properties have been earmarked for TCCHF projects?
  11. Does TCCHF have a financial incentive to serve the “homeless”?
  12. If not, where is the money coming from that is being used to serve the “homeless”?
  13. If not, where did the money come from that was used to purchase the properties that TCCHF now owns?
  14. When illegals arrive in Colville/Stevens County, what does Catholic Charities intend to do?
  15. When illegals arrive in Colville/Stevens County, what do these NGOs intend to do?
  16. When illegals arrive in Colville/Stevens County, what do your elected officials intend to do?
  17. When illegals arrive in Colville/Stevens County, what does the Sheriff intend to do?

Words are cheap. What prevents them from including illegals when they tell you they are “eradicating homelessness”? Where is the transparency that allows accountability and builds trust?

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!